AI Recruiting & Careers Coach

From assessments to help you find purpose, job applications, networking contacts, and messages, we’ve got you covered!
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Tell us about yourself!
Discover your purpose and career next steps. Or, let us know what you're looking for next.
We’ll find jobs and auto-apply
We'll match you with the best opportunities, auto apply or review with one-click.
We’ll network for you too
Send personalized messages to the right contacts that we craft for you.
Manage everything in one place
Track job applications, optimize your LinkedIn profile, get support - all in one place.

The All-In-One Career Design & Job Search AI Tool

Pivot With Clarity Assessment: Find Your Purpose

Discover your purpose and ideal career direction with our unique, well researched assessment.

Answer questions about yourself and your skills to match with meaningful and in-demand career paths.

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Switch Careers Tool: Find Your Paths

Tell us the roles you’re aspiring to switch into and discover your next best step.

We’ll show you the paths you can take to make your dreams a reality and all of the jobs that are the right match for you.

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Job Matches, Auto and One-Click Applications

Set your job search preferences through our dashboard, and let us handle the hard part of finding and applying for ideal jobs on your behalf.

If you prefer not to apply automatically, you can still review each opportunity and apply with just one click.

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Personalized Email and LinkedIn Messaging and Networking

Elevate your job search with personalized messages to recruiters and hiring managers. We identify contacts, their emails and craft tailored messages based on your bio and uniqueness so you stand out.

Approve all of the messages before they are automatically sent over email or copy over to send on LinkedIn.

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Application and Interview Tracker in One-Place

Track all of your applications, interviews, and networking emails in one place. Get the next steps.

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Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Scan your LinkedIn and we’ll tell you where you can improve to attract recruiters and get noticed by hiring managers. Including the not so obvious suggestions that are custom to you and your experience.

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Interview Prep Chat

Helps you prepare for your interviews, shares popular questions, reviews your answers, and provides interview strategies and insights.

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Create Case Studies That Stand Out

Choose the companies and roles you care about most. We'll automatically create templates for case studies you can submit to stand out in your interviews for product management, design, marketing and more.

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